A Copycat Ain’t Where It’s At

cat, face, cardboard

Are you guilty of ever trying to be like someone else ?  So many times in life, most people, myself included, whether we realize it or not, are striving to be like someone else, constantly comparing ourselves to others. However, when we live this way we will always fall short of reaching our potential and discovering our greatest self.  Scripture tells us that God created each of us as one of a kind originals with a unique purpose He intended for us to fulfill that no one else can do for us. If we are intentional in asking God to guide us, He promises to help us to find and live authentic to how he created us. But, the truth is that trusting in His promises takes a tremendous amount of faith and courage.  As Christians, we should be striving to give it our best shot.  Sadly today, it seems that there are so many “Cookie Cutter” Christians who are not anywhere close to achieving a life guided by these truths that God has promised. I know for me it took over 45 years to finally get to a place where I began making an effort to learn what it really means to trust God. Although I am now finally beginning to understand, I still have a long way to go to get where I want to be. And It’s certainly not something that can be done in a one day a week hour or two spent at church. It takes making an intentional effort everyday to read scripture and to pray.  You see, when we continually seek God’s will for our lives, He will teach us who we are in Him. Our authenticity will be revealed to us. It is then that we will be able to impact others in the way God intended.  Think about the great recording artists out there.  They each brought something to the table that had never been done before the way they did it.  A unique style.  An original sound.  A one of a kind voice.  Artists like Michael Jackson, or Adele, or The Beatles, or Dolly Parton, just to name a few.  Any artist who built his or her career on copying one of these original artists sound and style may have reached a certain level of success, but would never be able to achieve the level of greatness that any of those original one of a kind artists were able to achieve.  As God’s children, it is the same way with each of us.  God has already created the potential for greatness within each of us.  We just have to be willing to give our lives over to Him and to have the courage to put all our trust in Him knowing that He will lead us to our purpose for being here on Earth.  Our contribution to this world is not supposed to look like anyone else’s because we were not designed to be like anyone else.  Living our lives as copycats will never be enough to provide us with the satisfaction we desperately long for in this world. It is only in living for Him that will ever satisfy.

 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Romans 12:2